Public Libraries in the Cloud
The Library of Michigan subsidizes website hosting for Michigan libraries through Ploud (Public Libraries in the Cloud). Training is offered around the state as updates become available or as necessary to meet the needs of staff turnover, generally during a fall workshop series.
The Library of Michigan pays 55% of costs and in 2022-2023 libraries are responsible for the remaining $212.40/year. For that price, libraries receive a choice of four templates with multiple color schemes, hosting, a help desk, and ongoing development. You may use a domain name of your own choosing with Ploud; there's no need to change web addresses.
Ploud serves over half of the small and rural libraries in the lower peninsula. You can see those sites under "Michigan Sites." It's a great list to get ideas from about what you can do with a Ploud template.
Ploud Features
Ploud comes with carousels, or rotating images, which you can use on any page; optional drag and drop page layouts; a selection of MeL databases which can easily be extended for your patron base; an easy-to-use calendar for library events with event registration; a News section; a Kids & Teens area; and a Contact Us form. From there you can develop any new content that you’d like. Your Ploud website can be as small or as large as you care to build it.
Ploud Listserv
To stay updated on the progress of Ploud in Michigan, please check back at this website or join the Ploud listserv.